7 Dallas Cowboys Quotes That Will Make Haters Fume!

7 Dallas Cowboys Quotes That Will Make Haters Fume!

Welcome to our blog post about 7 Dallas Cowboys Quotes That Will Make Haters Fume! If you're a Dallas Cowboys fan, you'll definitely appreciate the confidence, swagger, and pride that these quotes reflect. Read on to get inspired and cheer on the Cowboys!

Haters Gonna Hate But Dallas Cowboys Quotes Will Make Em Fume!

The Dallas Cowboys, America’s team, are a beloved franchise in the NFL that have earned the admiration of many and the hatred of many others. Over the years, the Cowboys have had some of the greatest NFL players and coaches to ever play the game, and they’ve had some incredible quotes to go along with them. Here are 7 Dallas Cowboys quotes that will make haters fume!

1. Do Right and Win - Tom Landry

This quote by legendary Cowboys head coach Tom Landry is one that all Cowboys fans know and love. It’s a simple but powerful message that the team has taken to heart since the very beginning. It encourages players and coaches alike to do the right thing and be rewarded with a win. It’s a great motto for any team and a great quote for all Cowboys fans.

2. It's Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It's Whether You Get Up - Vince Lombardi

This quote by legendary coach Vince Lombardi is another great one for the Cowboys. It reminds players and fans alike to never give up, no matter how many times they may get knocked down. It’s a great mantra for any team, and it’s one that the Cowboys have embraced for years.

3. It's Better to Be Prepared and Not Need It Than to Need It and Not Be Prepared - Roger Staubach

This quote comes from former Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach and it’s a great one for any team. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared for whatever comes your way and it’s a great message for the Cowboys to keep in mind. The Cowboys have been known to be a well-prepared team, and this quote is a great reminder of that.

4. I Just Wanted to Play Football - Emmitt Smith

This quote from Cowboys legend Emmitt Smith is one that has resonated with Cowboys fans for years. It’s a simple but powerful message about the joy of playing football and it’s a great reminder to fans and players alike of why they love the game so much. It’s a great reminder of why the Cowboys have been so successful over the years.

5. Be Strong in the Face of Adversity - Troy Aikman

This quote from former Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman is another great one for the Cowboys. It emphasizes the importance of staying strong in the face of adversity, something the Cowboys are known for. It is a great mantra for any team and it’s one that the Cowboys have taken to heart.

6. Be Tough, Be Smart, and Believe in Yourself - Jimmy Johnson

This quote from former Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson is another great one for the team. It emphasizes the importance of being tough, smart, and believing in yourself, something the Cowboys have always been known for. It’s a great message for any team and a great reminder for the Cowboys to stay true to themselves.

7. The Game Is Where Dreams Come True - Jerry Jones

This quote from Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is a great one for Cowboys fans. It emphasizes the importance of the game and how it can be a place where dreams can come true. It’s a great reminder to fans of why they love the game so much, and it’s a great reminder to players of why they should always strive for excellence.

People Also Ask

What is the most famous Cowboys quote? The most famous Cowboys quote is Do Right and Win by former head coach Tom Landry.

Who said It's Better to Be Prepared and Not Need It Than to Need It and Not Be Prepared? Former Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach said this quote.

What is the Cowboys motto? The Cowboys motto is Do Right and Win.

The Dallas Cowboys are one of the most beloved franchises in the NFL and have had some of the greatest players and coaches of all time. These 7 Dallas Cowboys quotes are a great reminder of why the team is so successful and why their fans love them so much. They are a great source of inspiration for players and fans alike and will make any hater fume!

There is no doubt that these 7 Dallas Cowboys quotes are inspirational and motivational. They are reminders of why the team is so successful and why they are so beloved. They are also reminders of why the haters should not be too quick to judge the team and why they should appreciate the great things they have done over the years. So, if you are a Cowboys fan or just an admirer of the team, make sure to remember these 7 Dallas Cowboys quotes and use them to encourage yourself and others.

At the end of the day, these 7 Dallas Cowboys quotes are great reminders of why the team is so successful and why their fans love them so much. They are a great source of inspiration for players and fans alike and will make any hater fume!

We hope this article has provided you with some inspiring Dallas Cowboys quotes that will make your haters fume! Remember to stay true to yourself, be tough, be smart, and believe in yourself. And never forget to Do Right and Win. Good luck!

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