Top 10 Inspirational Quotes from the Movie The Outsiders that will Change Your Life

Welcome to our blog about Quotes From The Outsiders Movie! Whether you're a fan of the classic coming-of-age story, or just looking for some inspiring words to live by, you'll find something here that speaks to you. Dive in and explore the wisdom of the characters, and find something that resonates with you.

Quotes From The Outsiders Movie


The Outsiders is a timeless story of brotherhood, friendship, and coming of age. It follows the story of a group of young men who form an unlikely bond and face off against the hardships of life. The movie is full of inspiring moments and quotes that can help motivate, encourage, and uplift anyone. Here are the top 10 inspirational quotes from The Outsiders that will change your life in 2023.

1. “Stay Gold”

This quote is the most famous line from The Outsiders and is a reminder to stay true to yourself and hold on to the innocence of your youth. It’s a reminder that life isn’t always easy, but you should never lose sight of the beauty and joy of life.

2. “It Seems like Forever Ago”

This quote is a reminder to appreciate the people and experiences of your past and not take them for granted. It reminds us that time passes quickly and that we should cherish the moments we have with the people we love.

3. “We’re All Pretty Bizarre”

This quote celebrates the differences between people and reminds us to accept and embrace people for who they are. It’s a reminder to not judge someone based on the way they look or act.

4. “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

This quote is a reminder that nothing lasts forever and to appreciate the moment because it won’t last. It also encourages us to make the most of every opportunity and to live life to the fullest.

5. “You Never Know What Someone’s Been Through”

This quote is a reminder to be kind and understanding to everyone you come across. We never know what someone is going through and this quote encourages us to be compassionate and empathetic towards others.

6. “It’s Not About Who You Are, It’s About Who You Want to Be”

This quote is a reminder to never let anyone define you and that you can always be the person you want to be. It encourages us to strive for our goals and be true to ourselves.

7. “It Takes a Lot of Strength to Be Strong”

This quote encourages us to be strong and resilient even in the face of adversity. It reminds us that strength comes from within and that we have the power to overcome any obstacle.

8. “Don’t Let the Fear of Looking Stupid Stop You”

This quote is a reminder to never let fear hold you back. It encourages us to take risks and not be afraid to look foolish in pursuit of our goals.

9. “We All Need Someone to Count On”

This quote is a reminder that everyone needs someone to lean on and that it’s ok to ask for help. It encourages us to be supportive of one another and to build relationships with the people around us.

10. “You Don’t Have to Be Tough All the Time”

This quote is a reminder that it’s ok to be vulnerable and that it’s important to take care of yourself. It encourages us to be strong and to not be afraid to show our emotions.


The Outsiders is a classic movie full of inspiring quotes that can help motivate and encourage anyone. These top 10 quotes are a reminder to stay true to yourself, cherish the moment, and never be afraid to take risks. They are sure to help change your life in 2023!

Video The Outsiders 1983 - 10 Best Quotes